Blog Dollars study says $500 Million
Andy Huang
Wednesday, 01 August 2007
Published in
Affiliate Marketing, Blog, Internet Marketing
Interestingly today, Chitika has made the first estimate of revenue generate by their publisher in the blogosphere to be $500 million.
If you are a blogger not utilizing Chitika, take a few minutes and sign up to be part of this exciting opportunity.
Chitika has taken the first step to estimate the revenue in the blogosphere. In our Blog Dollars Study we have estimated that $500 million was generated within the top 50k blogs in 2006. Get in on the “Blog Dollars” discussion at TechCrunch now! This study is the first of many to come in the future. Your feedback is highly encouraged as we continue to update the revenue in the blogosphere using richer data in the future. Our first of many more “blog dollar” studies to come! |