(Ad)Word of the Day: Conversion
Here is a tip of the day from Google Adwords Insiders “We all know the importance of measuring the impact of your ad campaigns. That’s why, today, we’re discussing the term conversion from the AdWords Glossary, which is defined as follows: When a user completes an action on your site, such as buying something or
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Affiliate Marketing- Setting your selling prices
You can expand your affiliate marketing business operation with tie-in products and/or services and use your files to inform old customers of your new products from time to time. When advantageous to do so, place additional classified ads to attract more readers to your new tie-ins. Optimize your selling price structure as soon as possible
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Taiwan President Election
Hello from Taipei Taiwan, Many of you might know I am currently on a 2 month long trip traveling in various places in Asia. Here is live from Taiwan’s latest KMT campaign for the 12th president election. I have planned to fly back to Taiwan to cast my vote for the next president Mr Ma
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American Express Business Gold Reward
If you have a business that requires large funds for purchase. No one else provides the best benefit & protection other than American Express Gold Reward. Let the professionals at American Express provide you with the tools & financing you need to grow & protect all your business purchase. The Business Gold Rewards Card Earn
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Advanta Platinum Business Card
For those who are need a short term 0% loan to get your business off the ground, take a closer look at the offer by Advanta. Advanta Platinum Business Card 0% Intro APR on Balance Transfers and Purchases for 12 Months Prime + 5.99% Variable APR thereafter Up To $50,000 Credit Line No Annual Fee
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Naked Short Stock Sales – Part 2
Millions of shares of stock are being sold that may not exist. How? Through an obscure trading strategy known as naked short selling. Bloomberg Television’s Special Report hosted by Mike Schneider explains what the strategy is, how it’s executed, which companies are targets, and what the SEC is trying to do to control it.
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How to Read A Mortgage Rate Sheet – Part 1
Teaches you how to read a mortgage rate sheet step by step.
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