How to bag 3100% profit in just days!
In case you missed some of my post on options trading club. I am reposting on my personal blog.
Here is an example on how one could have used our newsletter information to achieve 3100% in just 5 days.
Our members gets weekly alerts on what to look for. Some strategies are also posted on our facebook fanpage.
Here is an example trade for this week on how one could swing over 3100% profits in just 5 days as Options Trading Club members.
The story unfolds October 4th.
Entry notification. Facebook & Newsletters
You will always have some opportunities to buy. Our entry on 6, and 7 during the pullback.
Breakouts also offers incredible opportunities for a short term swing trading.
And members who took advantage of the breakout and swing a nice home run of 253%. Simon did a fantastic job putting the trading strategies to work.
The 90 calls traded as high as $14.50
The 95 calls traded as high as $9.60, and we saw a low of $0.30. That is just $30 dollars to $960 in less than 5 days!
Stay tune as more opportunities in tomorrows market..Get ready!
Ready to swing more home runs? Sign up for our private membership here and let us coach you to it.